Some of the Mintier children. My father, John L. Mintier, is the tallest one standing on the right. He was born in 1913.

John L. Mintier with his favorite brother, Buddy, seated behind him on a horse. Buddy tragically died of pneumonia at age 5.

The Mintiers moved from Zanesville, Ohio in the 1920’s to Utica, Ohio. My grandfather, Robert Mintier, was an agent for the B&O Railroad. He met my grandmother Grace Marie Lawson while working in Zanesville. My father was born in 1913 the oldest of the10 children they would have. They were:
John Lawson Mintier 10/30/1913
Clarence (Buddy) Mintier 10/30/1915
Robert Lewis Mintier 08/12/1916
Georgia Marietta Mintier 03/11/1918
Virginia Lee Mintier 06/08/1921
Alice Carolyn Mintier 02/26/1923
Thomas Mintier 04/26/1924
William Mintier Still living
Beatrice Marie 01/02/1927
Mary Mintier 03/10/1930